Training app


A cutting-edge solution to strength training planning. This innovation is set to redefine personalized strength training, offering a tailored approach that's been missing in conventional training methods.
What is Thrud?

Unleashing Strength

Thrud represents a significant leap forward, empowering athletes to not just meet but exceed their strength training objectives. By focusing on personalization and adaptability, Thrud promises to maximize training outcomes, pushing the boundaries of what athletes can achieve with strength training.

Core Features of Thrud

The Emergence of Thrud

Individualized Training Programs

Crafted to align with each athlete's unique physiological makeup and training history.

Sophisticated Simulations

Advanced algorithms to generate optimal training plans, ensuring goals are met.

Dynamic Adaptation

Continuously updates and refines plans based on ongoing training data-

Join the Race Timing Revolution

Unlock the benefits with optical timing technology. We are ready to support you every step of the way, from initial consultation to event day execution.